Dog Licences

The Town dog ordinance may be found HERE.

State law requires you to license your dog by December 31st each year.   The license fee is $6.00 for a neutered/spayed dog and $11.00 for an unaltered dog. You may license your dog in person at the Clerk’s office or online between October 15 and January 31 without incurring a $25 late fee.  Please have your dog’s current rabies vaccination certificate ready at the time of licensing.

All dogs need to be licensed upon reaching the age of 6 months in the town where it resides. Or after the dog has been with the family for 10 days, if adopted.

Dog licensing fees support:

  • Local Animal Control Officers and State Humane Agents
  • Investigation of animal cruelty complaints and enforcement of animal welfare laws
  • Compliance with rabies vaccination of dogs
  • Care for sick and injured stray animals
  • Return of lost dogs to their owners

You may license your dog online:

You will need:

  • Credit Card
  • License/Tag number (renewal only)
  • State of Maine Rabies certificate (must be current)
  • Veterinarian’s name and phone number
  • Spay or Neuter Certificate (if your dog has been “fixed”)

If you are licensing your dog for the first time:

  • You must have a current rabies vaccination certification issued by a licensed veterinarian.
  • You must have an accurate description of your dog, including your dog’s name, breed, sex and color.
  • You must have a written statement from your veterinarian that clearly states your dog is altered and/or sterile to qualify for the lower cost altered license fee.
  • Licensing fee, i.e. $11.00 for unaltered fertile dog and $6.00 for altered or sterile dog.

If you are renewing your dog license:

If your dog’s rabies vaccination has expired since the last time you licensed him/her, you will need to show certification of a current rabies vaccination from a Maine licensed veterinarian.

Why you should license your dog:

  • Because rabies is increasing in Maine, licensing helps to insure public safety by requiring proof of a valid rabies vaccination before a license is issued.
  • By licensing your dog you are directly helping in the fight against animal cruelty and abuse. A portion of the dog license fee collected goes directly to the State of Maine Animal Welfare Program to support cruelty investigations, the remainder is applied toward payment of our animal control officer.
  • By licensing your dog you are demonstrating responsible pet ownership.