Public Safety


The Board of Selectmen has appointed Mr. Larry Nadeau as Road Commissioner of Litchfield.

Mr. Nadeau can be reached at the Town Garage direct line (707-8484) or via the Town Office (268-4721) during regular business hours.

In the event of a roadway emergency (trees/wires down in the road or dangerous road conditions) outside of regular Town Office business hours, please call 911.

DOT Project Notices

Maine DOT Litchfield projects can be viewed on the DOT website (Click on:  DOT Projects).  The projects are listed in the Kennebec County section (PDF p. 93; hard copy p. 83) in alphabetical order.

Understanding Litchfield Public Works Snow and Ice Operations

To see an overview of the town’s Public Works Department preparation and operational plan for the upcoming winter season, click on:  Public Works Winter Operations

Driveway Entrance Permit Application

Driveway Entrance Permit App 2024-02-28